I am Lev.
I love layered writing, with numerous and complicated subplots weaved together to create the whole. I make sure to consider every angle, every character’s motive.
I penned my first novel at age eleven (a 77,000-word fantasy). Some years later, I am on indefinite leave from university, immersing myself in writing. The Idea behind this is:
a. Life is too short to conform. Why go to university when my heart is not in the classroom, but in writing? I will return to university when I am prepared to fully appreciate the education and knowledge I am garnering.
b. What better time to focus on my writing than the only time in my life where I have no obligations but to myself? I have completed my compulsory education and I am young enough that I do not yet have my own family to care for.
c. I love writing. My goal is publication, and I am determined to achieve that goal. Living as a writing-retreat-nomad suits me and writing pleases me. Isn't happiness what it's all about?
My Writing
ã Eluvian.blogspot.com |
I am currently working on two novels, a mystery-fantasy and a romance. I hope to delve into some short stories as well, and work on my blog.
Last Updated 31 January, 2012